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Bed Bugs Identification and
Control with Costa Pest

Are you dealing with a bed bug infestation? You’re not alone. Bed bugs, scientifically known as Cimex lectularius, are a growing concern in the Sunshine State, infesting homes, hotels, and even public transportation.

Costa Pest Control is your solution to effectively identify, prevent, and control these resilient pests in Florida’s warm and humid climate.

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

Habitats of Bed Bugs

Indoor Infestation

Indoor Infestation

  • Bed bugs have a strong preference for human environments, infesting homes, hotels, and dormitories.
  • They hide in mattresses, box springs, baseboards, and other discreet locations.

Versatile Spread

Versatile Spread

  • Bed bugs can easily navigate and spread through various indoor spaces, making eradication challenging.

Common Hiding Spots

Common Hiding Spots

  • Mattress seams, baseboards, bed frames, pillowcases, nightstands, dressers, couches, carpeting, walls, and electrical outlets.

Bed Bugs Detection and Identification

Visual Characteristics

  • Adult bed bugs are small, flattened, and oval-shaped, resembling apple seeds.
  • Nymphs are even smaller and harder to spot.
  • Bed bug excrement appears as small black or brown dots, and eggs are tiny, white, and oval-shaped.
Bed Bugs Visual Characteristics

Signs of Infestation

  • Unexplained bites on the skin may be a sign of bed bug activity.
  • Bites are often found in a linear or clustered pattern in areas with easy access to blood vessels.
Bed Bugs Signs of Infestation

Consult Professionals

  • Identifying bed bugs may be challenging, necessitating consultation with professionals for accurate assessment.
Pest Control Professional

Key Takeaways

Florida’s Bed Bugs Challenge

  • The warm and humid climate in Florida creates an ideal environment for bed bugs to thrive.
  • Common methods often struggle to control these nocturnal pests effectively.
Florida Home

Prioritize Understanding

  • Residents and property managers should focus on identifying, understanding bed bug habitats, and implementing control measures.
Florida Home

Professional Bed Bug
Extermination in South Florida

Choosing the Right Exterminator:

Research pest control companies with necessary licenses and certifications.

Consider associations like the Florida Pest Management Association (FPMA) for guaranteed expertise. 

Costa Pest Control Expertise:

Trained professionals specializing in bed bug detection and eradication.

Comprehensive treatment plans tailored to your needs.

Professional bed bug control

Prevention and Treatment Strategies:

Integrated Pest Management (IPM):
An environmentally conscious approach combining biological, chemical, cultural, and mechanical control methods.

It focuses on reducing populations and preventing re-infestations.

Heat Treatment:
Raises the temperature to lethal levels for bugs, especially effective against eggs.

Eco-friendly, quick results, and comprehensive in hard-to-reach spaces.

Chemical Treatment:
Use of pesticides, including residual insecticides, dust formulations, and aerosol sprays.

Careful application, following manufacturer’s instructions, and regular monitoring.

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About Us


We specialize in a broad range of pest management services, including but not limited to ants, roaches, termites, mosquitoes, rodents, and more. We’re equipped to tackle both common and unique pest challenges in South Florida.

The frequency of treatments can vary based on several factors, including the type of pests, the extent of the infestation, and the specific needs of your property. We typically recommend regular inspections and treatments to ensure continuous protection.

Absolutely. The safety of your family and pets is our top priority. We use eco-friendly and sustainable pest control methods that are effective against pests but safe for humans and pets.

You may start seeing a reduction in pest activity within a few days. The time frame can vary based on the type of pests and the extent of the infestation.

Preparation can vary by treatment type, but generally, we may ask you to clear certain areas of your home or business, secure pets, and follow specific instructions provided by our technicians. We’ll ensure you have all the necessary information beforehand.

Yes, all of our technicians are fully licensed and insured. They undergo rigorous training and continuing education to stay updated on the latest industry standards and methods.

Common signs include visible pests, droppings, damaged materials (like gnawed wood or fabric), strange smells, and unusual sounds within walls or ceilings.

Yes, certain pests such as termites and carpenter ants can cause significant structural damage by eating wood and other materials. It’s important to address any infestations quickly to prevent serious damage.

Yes, we stand by the quality of our work with a satisfaction guarantee. If pests return between scheduled services, we’ll come back at no extra charge to address the issue.

Keeping your environment clean and minimizing access to food and water sources is crucial. Seal any cracks and crevices and keep basements, attics, and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry. We also recommend regular pest control treatments as a preventative measure.

To schedule, please contact us directly. We’ll discuss your pest control needs and provide an estimate based on the specifics of your situation and desired services.