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Brown Banded Roach Control in Florida

Brown Banded Roach

What Are Brown Banded Roaches?

The Supella longipalpa (Fabricius), also known as the brown-banded roach, is a small domestic cockroach species, that gets its name from two dark brown stripes on a dark brown body. This band can be seen on the upper wings of adults but is more prominent on the bodies of nymphs. This species was introduced into the United States from Cuba to Florida in 1903 and is now found throughout the United States.

The brown banded roach is also called the “furniture cockroach” because they live in all areas of the home and live their entire life indoors, including bedrooms, under tables, and behind pictures on the walls.

This species lives for 206 days on average and can reproduce quickly. The brown-banded roach is primarily nocturnal but can be found on the move during the daytime. However, due to their nocturnal nature and small stature, the brown-banded cockroach can easily go undetected.

Brown Banded Roach

Brown Banded Roach Identification

Brown Banded Roaches are small, light brown roaches distinguished by two lighter bands running through their wings and abdomen. Adult brown-banded roaches only grow to about ½” long and are known for being fast.

Male brown banded roaches have full wings that extend beyond the tip of their fleshy bellies, while females have slippery wings that prevent them from flying. These roaches are oval and have six legs and two long antennae. Female cockroaches are darker than males.

A Brown Banded Roach infestation can quickly escalate if not addressed promptly. Signs of infestation include:
Visible Roaches

Roach Sighting

Seeing roaches, especially during the day, can indicate a significant infestation.


Egg Cases (Oothecae)

Small, dark brown egg cases hidden in cracks and crevices.

Egg Cases

Fecal Droppings

Small, black droppings resembling black pepper.

Musty Odor

Unpleasant Odor

A musty smell that lingers in infested areas.

If you notice these signs, it’s essential to act quickly.
Contact Costa Pest Control for effective Brown Banded Cockroach extermination.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of the brown-banded cockroach consists of the eggs (enclosed in an ootheca), 6-8 nymphal instars, and the adults.

Stages of growth

life cycle of Brown Banded Roach
1 2 3


The ootheca (egg case) of this species is small (5 mm), yellow or reddish-brown. The female usually holds the fully developed ootheca on the tip of her abdomen for 24 to 36 hours, and once the ootheca has hardened, she attaches it to rough surfaces such as cardboard and sand.


Behind the back of the mesonotum (the second segment of the fin) and the dorsal side of the first segments of the abdomen are two light bands that differ from the nymphs of some other coconut species.


Adult males (13-14 mm) are longer (about 5 mm) than adult females (10-12 mm), but females are more robust. There are two dark bands in the horizontal bands that can be seen on the closed wings. Males have wings that cover the entire length of the abdomen, but females have wings shorter than the abdomen.



The ootheca (egg case) of this species is small (5 mm), yellow or reddish-brown. The female usually holds the fully developed ootheca on the tip of her abdomen for 24 to 36 hours, and once the ootheca has hardened, she attaches it to rough surfaces such as cardboard and sand.



Behind the back of the mesonotum (the second segment of the fin) and the dorsal side of the first segments of the abdomen are two light bands that differ from the nymphs of some other coconut species.



Adult males (13-14 mm) are longer (about 5 mm) than adult females (10-12 mm), but females are more robust. There are two dark bands in the horizontal bands that can be seen on the closed wings. Males have wings that cover the entire length of the abdomen, but females have wings shorter than the abdomen.

Health Risks

The presence of brown banded roaches in your home can cause many health problems. Cockroaches are known to be one of the main sources of allergens. Especially in children and sensitive people, they can cause allergies and asthma due to secretions, saliva, and feces that contain allergens. 

Cockroach allergy symptoms include sneezing, skin reactions, and eye irritation. These pests can contaminate food and kitchen floors with bacteria, causing foodborne illnesses such as stomach cramps and diarrhea.

Pest Fumigator

Brown Banded Roaches in House

Due to their small size and brown color, brown-banded roaches can blend into their surroundings, making them difficult to detect. As nocturnal creatures, they are most active at night but can also be seen during the day, typically when searching for food. These roaches enter homes seeking shelter and, once inside, tend to remain hidden for most of the day.
Finding brown-banded cockroaches in your home can be a cause for concern. These pests are drawn to dry, warm environments and often seek out locations that exceed 80 degrees.

Common entry points include:

Furniture and Household Items Picture

Furniture and Household Items

Brown-banded roaches prefer dry, warm areas and can often be found within furniture and other household items.
High Locations Picture

High Locations

Unlike most other roaches, brown-banded roaches tend to hide in higher locations, such as upper cabinets in kitchens and bathrooms or near ceilings.
Electronic Equipment Picture

Electronic Equipment

These roaches are often found around electronic devices, such as refrigerator motors, where they avoid water and bright light.
Our residential pest control services at Costa Pest Control ensure that your home remains safe and comfortable while effectively eliminating these unwelcome invaders.

How to Get Rid of
Brown Banded Roaches

Eliminating Brown Banded Roaches requires a multi-faceted approach:





The environment needs to be clean. Clean kitchen surfaces regularly, discard garbage as soon as possible and keep stored food in animal-proof containers.


Sealing entry points and possible roach hiding spots like cracks, crevices, and spaces around doors as well windows to keep them away from entering your house.

Professional Pest Control

Our team of professionals uses safe, eco-friendly products and techniques to effectively eliminate roaches and prevent future infestations.



The environment needs to be clean. Clean kitchen surfaces regularly, discard garbage as soon as possible and keep stored food in animal-proof containers.



Sealing entry points and possible roach hiding spots like cracks, crevices, and spaces around doors as well windows to keep them away from entering your house.


Professional Pest Control

Our team of professionals uses safe, eco-friendly products and techniques to effectively eliminate roaches and prevent future infestations.
Residential Pest Control Services in Florida

Florida Pest Control

Our Approach to Brown Banded Cockroaches Extermination

Costa Pest Control offers tailored Brown Banded Roaches extermination services that target these pests at every stage of their life cycle. Our experts use the latest techniques and products to ensure complete elimination. It begins with a thorough examination to identify the source of the disease, and then a personalized treatment plan.

Eco & Pet-Friendly Pest Control Services

Our commitment to eco and pet-friendly pest control means we use methods and products that are safe for your family, your pets, and the planet. We prioritize non-toxic treatments and preventative strategies to keep your home and business pest-free.

German Roach vs Brown Banded Roach

Understanding the differences between German and Brown Banded roaches can help you identify and address infestations more effectively:

German Roach

German Cockroach
German Roaches are light brown with two dark stripes behind their heads. They prefer humid environments, making them commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms. These roaches often stay near water sources and are typically located at lower levels of the home. Their presence is usually indicated by their fast movement and the need for a moist habitat.


Brown Banded Roach

Brown Banded Roach
Brown Banded Roaches are light brown with two distinctive lighter bands across their wings and abdomen. They favor dry areas and can be found throughout the home, often in higher locations such as upper cabinets, picture frames, and ceiling fixtures. Unlike German Roaches, Brown Banded Roaches do not require as much moisture and are more likely to hide in cracks and crevices away from water sources.

The Best Pest Control Company Near Me

Why Choose Costa Pest Control?

Welcome to a New Era of Pest Control in South Florida
Welcome to a New Era of Pest Control in South Florida
Spiders Extermination Services
Welcome to a New Era of Pest Control in South Florida

Expertise and Experience

We have a team of professionals with years and years of experience in handling brown-banded roaches as well as other common Florida pests.

Welcome to a New Era of Pest Control in South Florida

Customized Solutions

We know that each infestation is unique. Our treatment plans are tailored to you.
Spiders Extermination Services

Eco-Friendly Methods

We take a green approach, offering products that are safe for the Earth and your pets.
Welcome to a New Era of Pest Control in South Florida


We always put our customers first, and we work hard to ensure your satisfaction with pest control services that are as reliable as they come.

Contact Us for Roach Fumigation in Florida

If you notice a brown banded roach infestation in your home or business, let us know before they get a chance to spread. Contact Costa Pest Control today for expert cockroach control in Florida. Our team is able to deliver the most comprehensive and pet-safe pest control services in town.

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About Us


We specialize in a broad range of pest management services, including but not limited to ants, roaches, termites, mosquitoes, rodents, and more. We’re equipped to tackle both common and unique pest challenges in South Florida.

The frequency of treatments can vary based on several factors, including the type of pests, the extent of the infestation, and the specific needs of your property. We typically recommend regular inspections and treatments to ensure continuous protection.

Absolutely. The safety of your family and pets is our top priority. We use eco-friendly and sustainable pest control methods that are effective against pests but safe for humans and pets.

You may start seeing a reduction in pest activity within a few days. The time frame can vary based on the type of pests and the extent of the infestation.

Preparation can vary by treatment type, but generally, we may ask you to clear certain areas of your home or business, secure pets, and follow specific instructions provided by our technicians. We’ll ensure you have all the necessary information beforehand.

Yes, all of our technicians are fully licensed and insured. They undergo rigorous training and continuing education to stay updated on the latest industry standards and methods.

Common signs include visible pests, droppings, damaged materials (like gnawed wood or fabric), strange smells, and unusual sounds within walls or ceilings.

Yes, certain pests such as termites and carpenter ants can cause significant structural damage by eating wood and other materials. It’s important to address any infestations quickly to prevent serious damage.

Yes, we stand by the quality of our work with a satisfaction guarantee. If pests return between scheduled services, we’ll come back at no extra charge to address the issue.

Keeping your environment clean and minimizing access to food and water sources is crucial. Seal any cracks and crevices and keep basements, attics, and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry. We also recommend regular pest control treatments as a preventative measure.

To schedule, please contact us directly. We’ll discuss your pest control needs and provide an estimate based on the specifics of your situation and desired services.